--- Finished Your Course... and Now You Need to Sell It? ---

Are You Struggling to
Find Your Perfect Students?

Let Me Help You Reach Them!

Date:  Monday, June 10, 2024

From the desk of Julie Hood, CourseCreatorsHQ

Re: You’re invited to join me... and skyrocket your profits!

Hi there Course Creator!

Do you find yourself frustrated because you just can’t get in front of your ideal students?

Do you say things like....

  • I just don’t know where to start to sell my course. 
  • What does it actually take to get people to sign up?
  • My life is just too busy right now. I’ll work on it later. 
  • I definitely DON’T want to be one of those sleazy (and annoying) sales people.
  • I’m not sure I can do it...

I think we’ve all said these statements at one time or another!

But I want to make it easier and simpler for you. 

I’ve spent the past 20 years and thousands of hours looking for the best ways to sell online… and now you can benefit from all those mistakes and missteps (and avoid them)!

What if you had some simple systems, a personal guide and a support group of other course creators to help you create a custom marketing plan just for you and your online course?

So you could finally get your course out into the world…

… help a lot of people with your expertise, 

… plus make some revenue while you are at it!

Let me share exactly how I can help…

I’ve put together a very simple system to help you know what to do and when to do it...

… And this isn’t some cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all plan!

You use my Course Profits Blueprintand customize it to what you like to do. 

You’ll pick the marketing techniques you like (and avoid the ones you don’t)!

It has taken me literally 20 years of testing to put this together...
... so learn from all my mistakes instead of making them yourself!

I only have one piece of the puzzle that’s a cornerstone piece you must do. 

After that, you get to pick and choose!

Instead of you taking years and years like I did… trying to figure this out on your own…. 

…throwing things out there to see what worked. 

Let’s start with the Course Profits Blueprint and accelerate your results!

Let me introduce you to the Course Profits Accelerator 2.0…

Course Profits Accelerator 2.0

Round 7 Starts Now and

runs through October 31, 2024!

What Do You Get?

This program is very focused on implementation… I want you to get your marketing up and running like a well-oiled machine. So we will be very focused on working ON your course business to keep you moving forward.

1:1 Kickoff Call with Julie (Value $497)

We will get on a Zoom call and put together your initial focused plan - and we will start with exactly where YOU need to focus. We'll talk about your course, your perfect lead magnet, your offer, your online course platform and your best way to reach your perfect students. Then we just implement together!

Mini-Course Magic Workshop (Value $197)

This workshop is so powerful for you... you can get your first (or next!) mini-course up and running in just a few hours. I've got a FREE hosting resource for you... and a tool that makes creating a mini-course super simple!

Course Profits Blueprint (Value $497)

You'll take this blueprint and work through the three stages... I give you a detailed checklist so you know exactly what to do right now and what to do later! This can be one of the toughest parts of starting a course business - and getting this right will determine whether or not you succeed.

Ultimate Course Launch Blueprint (Value $297) 

You'll be able to map out your next launch using my Ultimate Course Launch Blueprint that explains exactly what you need to decide, plan and create!

Launchpad Workshops (Value $1,782)

You need some essential pieces to launch:

1. Your Lead Magnet
2. Your Email List - and knowing exactly what to write
3. Your Sales Page + Offer
4. Your Best Way to get in front of your perfect students (and it varies for each creator!)

These courses will walk you step-by-step on how to set these up - with individual playbooks to take you through

Twice a Week Q&A Sessions with Julie (Value $2,000)

Twice a week we’ll have Zoom Q&A sessions where you can ask any questions you have about where you are... get feedback on your content, offers & ideas, get ideas for where to focus now, get advice on what not to do right now! These sessions are one of the biggest parts of this program.

Kajabi Kickstart (Optional) (Value $997)

Optionally if you need a place to set up your entire online business... a place to host your course, your coaching sessions, your website, your funnels, your email newsletter, your content marketing, and so much more! Kajabi Kickstart walks you step-by-step through exactly what to do so you are set up correctly. You'll get access after you sign up for Kajabi and retain access as long as you are a member!

Mastermind Group (Priceless)

Because we are working together so closely and so often, we have pulled together a very tight-knit group who support each other!

BONUS #1 - Your Launch Blueprint + Two-Page 2024 Marketing Plan

Create your marketing plan for the year - on just two pages. Watch the recorded training and then fill out your plan. You will also have access to the Ultimte Launch Blueprint to plan out your launch from start to finish (so you don't miss anything)!

BONUS #2 - Customized List-Building Ideas (Value $500)

Once you join I'll be on the lookout for the perfect places for you to build your list. I'm always sharing specific ideas and tagging you when it's something you can do or join.

BONUS #3 - Effortless Email Marketing for Course Creators: What to Send, How to Send It and Secrets for Making It Work ($497 value)

One of the key tenets of successful course marketing is your email marketing… so you’ll get this course for free on exactly how to build your email list, what to send, and how to take our email marketing to the next level (and use it to sell your course)!

BONUS #4 - Sales Page Creation Secrets for Course Creators: How to Create and Design a Page That Wows Your Students ($497 value)

You also need to have a sales page that describes your course and sells it for you. This course will use my 17-step proprietary formula to take you from blank screen to fully designed sales page. And then use your monthly “Review Your Content” submission to get feedback. 

BONUS #5 - Joint Ventures for Course Creators: The Secret Sauce to Use Other People’s Lists to Find Your Perfect Students ($497 value)

The next thing you’ll need is traffic and leads for your course… and the Joint Ventures course shares 10 different ways you can work with other people to find your perfect students, plus playbooks on how to make it work. 

You'll retain access to all these materials as long as you are a member of one of the current rounds.

So yes, I’ve tried to make this an irresistible offer for you… and a no brainer to jump in!

Let’s recap everything that is included in the Course Profits Accelerator 2.0:

  • 1:1 Kickoff Call with Julie (Value $497)
  • Course Profits Blueprint™ (Value $497)
  • Ultimate Course Launch Blueprint (Value $297)
  • Launchpad Workshops (Value $1,782)
  • Twice a Week Q&A Sessions with Julie (Value $2,000)
  • Kajabi Kickstart (Optional) (Value $997)
  • Mastermind Group (Priceless)
  • BONUS #1 - Your Launch Blueprint + Two-Page 2024 Marketing Plan (Value $297)
  • BONUS #2 - Customized List-Building Ideas (Value $500)
  • BONUS #3 - Effortless Email Marketing for Course Creators: What to Send, How to Send It and Secrets for Making It Work (Value $497)
  • BONUS #4 - Sales Page Creation Secrets for Course Creators: How to Create and Design a Page That Wows Your Students (Value $497)
  • BONUS #5 - Joint Ventures for Course Creators: The Secret Sauce to Use Other People’s Lists to Find Your Perfect Students (Value $497)

Total Value of the Entire Program $8,358!  But you can get started for just $997 or 6 payments of $177!


Remember we are focused on implementation…
so you can skyrocket the sales of your course!

Who Is This For (and Not For)?

Course Profits Accelerator 2.0 is designed for coaches who want to reach more people... and are willing to do the work. We will pick the work you like but it is still work! No get rich quick schemes here. Just solid strategies for building an online business in 2024.

If your course is close to finished, make that goal in the next couple weeks to get to a place where you can sell it (not necessarily done, but sellable). Besides, are we ever really “done” with our courses? They are in a constant state of improvement!

Limited to 20 participants! Because I give so much personal attention to the students in this program, I can only work with 20 people at a time. Make sure you jump on this offer so you can be one of the 20.

Here are 3 Reasons You Need to Get Your

Course Out to the World in 2024

Reason #1: Your perfect students really need you and your brilliance.

We need your ideas out in the world. We need what you know… to make our lives better, to make our families better, to make our businesses better, and you are the only one who can share it in your voice with your experience!

Reason #2: The world is shifting to online learning.... In a whole new way!

The shift over the past few years has amazing opening for online entrepreneurs… more and more people are learning how easy it is to get the scoop from experts while they sit at home in their comfy chairs and sleep at night in their own beds (instead of uncomfortable hotel beds)!

In fact, the worldwide e-learning market is projected to be worth $325 Billion in 2025… so let’s get your piece of that pie.

Reason #3: You’ll expand your revenue opportunities.

Regardless of how you like to work with clients, an online course gives you tons of new ways to make more money. 

First, you can create a DIY version of your course… so students can buy it and work through it on their own time. 

Second, you can create a group coaching version of your course (at a higher price, of course!) so you can add in group sessions and work through the course together as a community. 

Third, if you do one-to-one coaching, you can use your course…

… as a training agenda for your clients or

… even as a free bonus for them!

So instead of spending hours sharing the same things over and over, you can share that content on your course platform… and then use your coaching sessions to dig much deeper in less time.

"One of the best investments
I've ever made."

When Paul Lawrence Vann and I worked together, he said,

“It is one of the best investments I’ve ever made. Not only is Julie’s Course Creator system clear and concise, I was able to finish my course in 24 hours and I no longer have the concept for my course in my head.

I highly recommend you invest…

"Before working with Julie I was
stuck and not moving forward...
my launch was so much easier!"

Coach Ruby helps people get free from alcohol (so needed today!) and we have worked together to create new offers for her Dry January and 90-Day Feel Lit program, her email, her podcast, her promotions, her launch, her website... she has created an incredible online business.

Here's what she said about working together...

Coach Ruby

"Julie Hood, since clearly you
are such a genius..."

Diane Genius

A Course Gives You Much More Impact,

to Help Many More People,

in Much Less Time

You’ll have the leverage to sell it whenever someone is ready to buy...

… Plus bundling courses with other coaching and services is an amazing way to raise your prices.

I can’t wait to help you get your message out into the world. 

If you’ve made it this far and aren’t quite sure if this is for you… 

… here’s what just a few people had to say about working with me.

So I’m sure you have questions. Feel free to message me here & and I’ll help you answer them. 

Let’s get your course up and running!

To your success!

Julie Hood
Course Creators HQ

PS  -  This is a very limited offer to join us for this round of the Course Profits Accelerator!

I’m limiting the number of people I let into the program… so that you can get individual attention. This will change in the future! 

If you’ve been in my world for a while, you know the first time I offer something new is the very best offer you will see. So don’t wait and make sure you get on board right now!

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